Fund Profile
Brandon Area REALTORS® Fund

Helping people find their perfect home is at the heart of everything Brandon Area REALTORS® does. This not-for-profit organization, incorporated in 1977, represents over 280 REALTORS® from across Western Manitoba. Its strong membership understands how important our homes are to each and everyone of us in the sanctuary and security they provide. The Brandon Area REALTORS® believes that all members of society deserve access to safe, secure and affordable housing. The intent of this fund is supporting shelter related charities. We all thrive when we’re surrounded by strong and healthy communities. The Brandon Area REALTORS® is committed to financially supporting efforts that result in real sustainable change. Real estate professionals are known for their volunteerism and philanthropy within the communities they serve. This fund builds on that generosity and provides the community of REALTORS® with an opportunity to work collectively as a larger team to have a bigger, wider reaching, and lasting impact in the entire western Manitoba region.